How to Dodge the BS and Find a Marketing Partner Who Actually Gets Your Hospitality Business

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Stop wasting money on bad marketing agencies. Learn how to find a partner who understands tourism & gets REAL results.

Listen, I get it. You’re a hospitality operator, you’ve poured your heart and soul (and probably a good chunk of your savings) into your business, and the thought of trusting a marketing agency with something so precious… well, it can feel downright terrifying.

And I understand. In my 20+ years in marketing, I’ve heard enough agency horror stories to fuel a bonfire. We’re talking about enough marketing carnage to make even the most seasoned entrepreneur weep – businesses left in shambles, budgets up in smoke, and dreams turned to ash.

And as a result, many in the tourism industry now approach agencies with a healthy dose of caution. And who can blame them? According to HubSpot’s 2024 State of Marketing Report:

“Six in ten marketers feel that the way they spend their budget and the ROI it produces is being scrutinized more now than in the past.”

And that is a good thing.

Marketers should be able to justify themselves, but that’s difficult which is why many marketing agencies can’t.

But here’s the thing, my friends: great agencies do exist. They’re out there, not promising the moon, but rolling up their sleeves and digging into the nitty-gritty alongside you. To separate the rockstars from the wannabes, we need to expose those persistent myths, dust off those marketing fundamentals that never go out of style, and arm you with the know-how to spot a true partner-in-crime for your business.

Part 1: Myth-Busting Time

Let’s call out those siren songs agencies love to croon, the ones that often lead to disappointment (and depleted marketing budgets):

Part 2: Marketing Fundamentals for Tourism Triumph

Listen, the marketing landscape might be changing faster than a street performer swapping hats in Kings Cross, but these core principles remain timeless:

Part 3: Choosing an Agency That Rocks

Ready to ditch the DIY marketing and bring in some serious creative firepower? Here’s how to find an agency that’s brimming with fresh ideas, not rehashing the same old tired strategies.

The Adventure Awaits!

Listen, finding your perfect marketing agency match might take a little legwork, but it’s worth it. Remember, you’re not just looking for someone to “do marketing to you”, but a true partner who understands your vision, your audience, and your desire to share incredible experiences with the world.

Speaking of finding the right partner, if you’re nodding along to all of this and thinking, “Okay, Andy, I hear you, but where do I even start?” Well, you’re in luck! My agency, Scott Aussie, has been helping tourism businesses like yours navigate the marketing jungle for many years. We’re all about transparency, data-driven strategies, and a whole lot of creative fun. If you’re ready to ditch the marketing headaches and amplify your awesomeness, contact us at Scott Aussie and let’s chat.

Now go forth and make marketing magic!

The Services we offer Tourism and Hospitality Operators