Brand Development for Tourism and Hospitality

Brand Strategy

We take a ‘strategy-first’ approach to brand development. By understanding your business, target audience, and competition, we help create a brand strategy that drives growth and makes you stand out in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Brand Identity Design

Our team designs a unique and compelling visual identity for your brand. From logos to colour schemes, typography, and more, we ensure that your brand’s visual elements consistently communicate your brand message and values.

Brand Audit and Consultation

This service involves evaluating your current brand performance, conducting competitor analysis, and identifying areas for improvement. Our team will guide you in making informed decisions to enhance your brand’s strength and visibility in the marketplace.

Our Approach

At Scott Aussie, our approach to tourism and hospitality marketing is meticulously crafted to ensure your brand stands out in the competitive landscape. Our method is a three-step process that we have perfected over time, enabling us to cater to your unique branding needs.

1. Discovery

Our process starts with an in-depth understanding of your tourism or hospitality brand. We delve into your brand’s history, its mission, its values, and your vision for its future. This comprehensive discovery phase allows us to approach your marketing strategies with a solid understanding of your brand’s core.

2. Strategy

With a thorough understanding of your brand in hand, we transition to crafting a tailored strategy. We work on defining your brand’s positioning within the tourism and hospitality market, creating a compelling brand narrative, and ensuring your brand’s messaging resonates with your target audience. This strategic roadmap forms the basis for all future branding and marketing efforts.

3. Creativity

In the final phase, we bring your brand to life through innovative design. Using the insights gathered from the discovery and strategy stages, we create a distinctive visual identity that truly encapsulates your brand’s essence. This bespoke design process ensures your brand is visually appealing and stands out in the tourism and hospitality industry.