Camels at Sunset on Cable Beach, Broome

Pay Per Click Advertising for Tourism and Hospitality

Google Search Adverts

Turn search queries into bookings with our Google Search Adverts service. We create engaging, keyword-rich adverts that feature prominently in Google’s search results, placing your tourism or hospitality business in the spotlight when potential travelers are actively researching their next adventure.

Google Display Adverts

With our Google Display Adverts service, we help you reach them wherever they may be online. Our team designs captivating display adverts that are placed strategically across Google’s vast network of partner websites, videos, and applications, effectively extending the reach of your tourism or hospitality brand.

Social Media Adverts

Today’s travellers rely on social media for inspiration, planning, and booking their trips. We leverage this trend with our Social Media Adverts service on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, crafting personalised adverts that resonate with your target audience’s travel aspirations.

Our Approach

At Scott Aussie, our approach to PPC advertising for tourism and hospitality businesses is data-driven, strategic, and tailored. Here’s how we do it:

1. Market and Keyword Research

Every successful PPC campaign begins with understanding your market and the keywords they use. We delve deep into keyword research, ensuring we target those terms that your potential guests and tourists are using when they search for services similar to yours. This step is crucial in crafting PPC adverts that not only reach the right audience but also resonate with their travel needs and aspirations.

2. Ad Creation and Optimisation

Once we have a solid understanding of your market and the keywords they use, we move on to creating compelling, keyword-optimised adverts. Whether it’s Google Search or Display Adverts, or Social Media Adverts on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, our team ensures each ad is tailored to your brand and optimised for maximum reach and engagement.

3. Campaign Launch and Management

With the adverts ready, we launch your PPC campaign. But our job doesn’t end there. We constantly monitor your campaign’s performance, adjusting and optimising as needed to ensure it delivers the results you expect. This involves fine-tuning the ad copy, adjusting bidding strategies, and exploring new keyword opportunities, all in real time.

4. Reporting and Analysis

Transparency is at the heart of our services. We provide regular, detailed reports that outline the performance of your PPC campaign. From click-through rates to conversion rates, we keep you in the loop every step of the way. We also use these insights to refine our strategies further, ensuring your PPC campaign remains effective and competitive in the ever-changing tourism and hospitality landscape.