That Time I Ignored Marketing’s “Next Big Thing” (and Made More Money)

Have you ever gotten sucked into the hype of the “next big thing” in marketing, only to find yourself drowning in a sea of empty promises (and a depleted budget)? Yeah, me too. I’ve been seduced by the siren song of shiny object syndrome more times than I’d like to admit.

But a few years ago, after a particularly expensive lesson with a “revolutionary” marketing platform (spoiler alert: it wasn’t), I decided to ditch the hype and get back to basics. That’s when I rediscovered the power of something not so flashy, but far more effective: evidence-based marketing. Think of it like this: would you rather build your dream hotel on a foundation of shifting sand because someone on TikTok told you it was trendy, or on solid bedrock because you’ve seen the geological surveys?

This isn’t just some abstract marketing mumbo-jumbo, either. This is about putting your marketing dollars where your mouth is, and actually seeing a return on your investment. Let me tell you about a client of mine, Steffen. He runs a small bed and breakfast hotel in in Australia’s south-west, and he was convinced his marketing needed a major overhaul. He was ready to throw money at the latest social media fads, AI-driven whatnots – you name it, he was ready to sign the (very expensive) dotted line.

But when we dug into his data and looked at what was actually driving bookings, a different story emerged. Turns out, his biggest opportunity wasn’t attracting new customers – it was getting his existing customers to come back for more. As the folks over at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute (EBI) have proven time and again, penetration and purchase frequency are marketing gold. Steffen needed to win over those non-buyers and turn his casual guests into loyal regulars, a strategy backed by years of research from marketing heavyweights like Les Binet and Peter Field.

And you know what? It worked. By focusing on evidence-based strategies, understanding his market, and resisting the urge to chase every shiny new marketing trend, Steffen saw a significant increase in repeat bookings and overall revenue. In fact, his year-over-year revenue jumped 18%, outperforming the industry average by a healthy margin. No unicorn dust required.

Why Evidence-Based Marketing Matters (More Than Ever)

Look, I get it. The tourism and hospitality industry is a whirlwind of change. New platforms pop up every day, influencers are shouting from the rooftops, and it seems like everyone and their chatbot is promising you the moon. But here’s the thing: fundamentals never go out of style.

Evidence-based marketing is about tuning out the noise and focusing on what actually works, based on cold, hard data and research, not hunches, gut feelings, or the latest marketing guru’s Instagram reel.

Here’s why it’s more crucial than ever, especially in the fiercely competitive world of tourism:

Remember Steffen, my hotel-owning friend who was this close to signing his life savings away to a “growth hacking guru”? He learned this firsthand. By focusing on strategies proven to drive repeat bookings – like optimising his website for direct bookings and implementing a simple but effective email marketing strategy – he wasn’t just throwing money into the wind – he was investing in sustainable growth for his business.

Ready to Ditch the Hype and Get Real? Here’s How:

Okay, so you’re convinced that evidence-based marketing is the way to go. Fantastic! But how do you actually put it into practice? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Here’s a breakdown, keeping it real, just like always:

1. Know Your Audience (Like, Really Know Them):

This isn’t just about demographics anymore. Dig deeper into their motivations, pain points, and aspirations. What are their travel styles? What kind of experiences are they seeking? What keeps them up at night when planning a trip? Use data from your website analytics, social media, customer surveys, and even your booking platform to build a detailed picture of your ideal customer. You want to know them better than they know themselves.

2. Set SMART Goals (and Actually Track Them):

Don’t just say you want “more bookings.” (Who doesn’t, right?) Get specific! Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) for each of your marketing campaigns. Do you want to increase website traffic by 20% in the next quarter? Boost direct bookings by 15%? Increase email sign-ups by 30%? Whatever your goals, make sure you can measure your progress and adjust your strategies accordingly. Remember, what gets measured, gets managed (I learnt that on my first day of my unfinished accounting degree at Curtin Uni).

3. Test, Measure, and Optimise (Like Your Business Depends on It):

Evidence-based marketing isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s about continuous improvement. Test different marketing channels, messaging, and offers. Experiment with different ad copy, email subject lines, even the colour of your “Book Now” button. Track your results diligently (thank you, Google Analytics!). Analyse what’s working, what’s not, and use those insights to refine your approach. It’s like fine-tuning a recipe – you keep experimenting until you find the perfect blend of ingredients that wows your guests and keeps them coming back for seconds.

4. Don’t Forget the Power of Branding (It’s More Than Just a Logo):

In a world of endless choice, a strong brand is your most valuable asset. It’s the secret sauce that sets you apart from the competition and makes you unforgettable. Invest in developing a clear, compelling brand identity that resonates with your target audience. Think about what makes your business special, what values you stand for, and what experience you want to create for your guests. And remember Steffen’s experience: consistency is key. Ensure your brand messaging and visuals are consistent across all touchpoints – from your website to your social media to your in-person interactions.

5. Embrace Data (But Don’t Get Lost in It):

Data is your friend. It provides valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not. But don’t let data analysis paralyse you or suck the creativity out of your marketing efforts. Use it to inform your decisions, but don’t be afraid to experiment and trust your gut instincts as well. Remember, marketing is both an art and a science. Find the sweet spot where data-driven insights meet creative inspiration, and you’ll be well on your way to marketing magic.

Look, I know this might seem like a lot to wrap your head around, especially when there’s a new marketing guru popping up every five seconds promising you the world (for a small fee, of course). But trust me, the effort is worth it. By embracing evidence-based marketing, you’ll be building your business on a foundation of solid data and proven strategies – a foundation that can withstand the ever-changing tides of the tourism industry. And who knows, you might even find that it’s a lot more fun than chasing after the next marketing fad (and a lot less stressful on your budget).

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of tackling all this data and strategy? That’s where we come in. Scott Aussie specialises in helping businesses like yours harness the power of evidence-based marketing to achieve real, sustainable growth. Contact us today for a free consultation and let’s chat about how we can help you take your tourism business to the next level.

The Services we offer Tourism and Hospitality Operators